Summer Program Families
Important Information and FAQ's
Please read thoroughly
Daily Activities
Some of the most frequently asked questions right at your fingertips!
Please read all sections carefully to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Healthy & Safety
It's understandable to have questions about saftey, especially during these times.
Please read all sections carefully to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Forms and Rules
There’s a few details to take care of before sending your child off to Raven Rock Summer Programs.
Please read all sections carefully to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions
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What should I send with my child each week?
A list of things to bring/when you arrive the first day.
A list of ALL the requirements will be emailed to you when you receive your invoice and required waiver at sign up.
Please have your child pack a lunch, morning snack, and large insulated water, each day (no nuts as we are a nut free zone).
Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and follows our dress code-
NO exposed stomachs/midriff for girls or boys,
NO low cut necklines,
NO exposed bras or boxers,
NO political, political reference, or social issue gear/ clothing, this includes, but is not limited to, LGBT+ as well as all presidential and political parties. We are here to have fun and let children be children, not cause extra stress or annoyance.
NO short-shorts. All shorts must cover butts even when bent over. During physical sports activities this is especially important.
Bug spray and sunscreen are optional, but we highly recommend it as we are outdoors most of the day.
Each child must wear closed toe shoes each day, e.g. athletic sneakers, NO crocks.
No Electronics!
Hand sanitizer is optional; we will have plenty of sanitation options available.
There will be days that we will require you to send your children with bathing suits, towels, $5 for ice cream, changes of clothes, and other small things.
We will notify you of these things the day before each activity.
What do I do the first day I arrive?
~ Please arrive between 8:45 and 9:05am each day. Counselors will meet you at the driveway to direct you to the drop off circle. You must sign your child/children in and out each day. Pick up each day will be between 3:45 and 4:05pm. Counselors and children will be waiting at the gate for sign out.
Can I send my child with peanut butter or gluten foods?
We are a peanut and tree nut free zone, so please do NOT send any nut products with your child(ren). You can absolutely send your child with gluten snacks/lunches. If a child is severely allergic we have a designated table for such situations.
If I am going to be late picking up or dropping off what do I do?
If you are delayed in picking up or dropping off your child please call us at (908)-635-0900, the more notice the better so we can make sure we are prepared.
What does a typical day look like at your programs?
A typical day with us will vary depending on theme, and weather. We are outdoors for most, if not all day enjoying nature. Due to weather we do not publish the weekly schedules because we often have to switch things around. However, please see examples of a typical day with us below.
- 8:45am- Arrival!
- 8:45-9:15am- games and drop off
-9:15- mid morning- children's favorite program games/sports and/or animal husbandry
-10:30/10:45am- snack time
-11:00am- 12pm- varies each day, examples include- hands on learning/educator, or team building sports/activities
- 12pm-1pm- lunch and free time to play and spend time with friends as well as spend supervised time with the animals on the sanctuary.
-1pm-3:30pm- varies each day, examples include- educator/hands on learning, animal husbandry, stream time, water games, capture the flag, crafts, etc.
3:30-3:45pm- pack up to leave and play games until parents arrive.
3:45-4:05pm- departure
Each week will have one dress - up theme day such as "Pirate Day," Wild west Cowboy Day," Christmas in July", "Candy Land Day", "Dress Like A Patriot", and others. These will be listed on our sign up/enrollment forms.
Each week on Thursdays we have build your own ice cream sundaes, in the afternoon. In the case of our discounted 4 day week 2024, Ice cream day falls on the 4th of July when we are closed, so ice cream will be switched to another day that week.
Each week we have one day set aside for making your own tie dye (shirts are provided by Raven Rock).
Fridays (weather dependent) are typically water play day mixed up with several other fun activities throughout the day. We do not have a pool, all water games are done on land or in the stream.
Nature weeks and History weeks will vary in terms of hands-on learning/team building subjects, theme days, and educators, but our fan favorite games, sports, water play, tie dye, and ice cream will remain the same.
A few of our hands on learning activities throughout the course of the summer may include; Survival, animal tracking, black bear program, animal husbandry and grooming, real life revolutionary war militia man (who will recruit your children for the war to win our country), science, STEM, first aid, environmental studies, survival studies, panning for gold and the gold rush, stream study, a program provided by the Clinton township K-9 unit, and much more!
Health and Safety
What type of training do staff and volunteers receive?
All members of our staff undergo detailed safety and procedure training. All core staff are trained in CPR, AED, and First Aid. Your child's safety is always our top priority!
NO inquiring or discussion regarding ANY and ALL medical history or vaccination status-
Regarding COVID-19 and all medical concerns/history for all attendees, their families, and staff/volunteers of Raven Rock Summer Programs LLC and Grayrock Farm Sanctuary.
Your medical history and vaccination status is personal information which is federally protected. Due to the sensitivity of the subject and the privacy of all attendees, their families, and our team we do not allow these subjects to be discussed on the premises. Please respect the privacy of others. Failure to do so will result in permanent termination from the programs.
If you choose to get vaccinated for COVID-19 we ask that you please do not come to the programs for at least 2 weeks following the shot(s). Please give us notice if you are unable to attend. You do not need to specify why, just that you are unable to attend. We ask that you do this because of the potentially serious reactions you can have in response to the vaccines. Some reactions mimic symptoms of COVID and to avoid the misinterpretation of a potential COVID case we ask that you stay home.
When can I drop off and pick up my child? If someone other than immedate family is picking them up what do I have to do?
The drop off time for your child each morning is 8:45-9:05am, and pick up time is from 3:45- 4:05pm. If someone other than a parent/ legal guardian is pickng up your child we require a written and signed note from a parent/guardian one day, or morning in advance, detailing the time they will be picked up and the full name of the individule responsible for the care of your child as we will ID them at the gate.
Forms and Rules
i.e shirts, masks, hats, bags, bracelets, water bottles, stickers, etc.) We DO of course allow patriotic gear, such as American flag shirts, as long as it is not in association with, or pertaining to, any social issue or political party.
Any child wearing, or in possession of, any political clothing or gear, referring to a political party, or social issue statement will not be allowed into the program until they change or remove the item(s) from the grounds.
We are here to have fun and to let kids be kids without the added stress of politics and social issues in the world today.We ask you to please take this into account when sending you children to our programs. We are here to have fun, not make others uncomfortable, or cause frustration.
You will receive an email within 72 hours of registering. Included in that email are 2 required waivers, please print, fill out, and scan them back to us within a week of receiving them.
PLEASE- remember to check all junk and spam folders. All forms, waivers, and payment MUST be received and confirmed by our director no later than the start of each program week you are signed up for (or what is detailed in the email sent to you). No child is allowed into our programs until all forms and payment are completed and filed by our Director.
NO POLITICAL, political reference, or social issue statement gear of any kind-
You will receive forms and waivers-
Have a question of your own??
Don't hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to seeing you all soon!